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Asian Short Rib Pot Pie

Our Asian Short Rib Pot Pies are Tender short ribs braised with green onions and sweet Asian spices in a tart shell. Enjoy these delicious Short Rib Appetizers with your choice of dip or sauces.

  • Preparation Instructions
    These Asian Short Rib Pot Pies tastes Best if baked from the frozen state on parchment paper. Bake the short rib pot pie on 350-375 degrees for 8-10 minutes.

$63.99 / Tray
Pieces Per Tray: 40
Price Per Piece: $1.60
Number of Trays:
By Lisa Spampinato on October 7, 2014
So these are one of my absolute favorites! They baked off perfectly, held up well throughout the event and are packed full of delicious flavor!!! Had to keep them away from myself or I would have eaten half of them. These were a great alternative to a heavier meat based item on an appetizer menu - way better than cocktail meatballs.

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