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Deep Dish Pepperoni Pizza Quiche

Our delicious Deep Dish Pepperoni Pizza Appetizer is Rich pizza sauce blended with mozzarella cheese, basil and pepperoni in a handmade tart shell.
  • Preparation Instructions
    Best if baked from frozen on parchment paper. For Hotel quality oven bake the Deep Dish Pepperoni Pizza Appetizer at - 350 degrees for 8-14 minutes. Electric oven - 400 degrees for 16-22 minutes . Gas oven - 375 degrees for 14-20 minutes. Rotate baking tray 180 degrees halfway through baking process. Cooking times may vary based on oven.

$54.99 / Tray
Pieces Per Tray: 40
Price Per Piece: $1.37
Number of Trays:
By Lisa Spampinato on October 8, 2014
As with the regular cheese Pizza's, these were delicious with an extra little zip of flavor and color from the pepperoni. Heated great, held up well, and didn't last long (guests completely devoured them). All of your pastry crusts have been wonderful both in flavor and bakeability - this one was no exception.

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