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Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie

A savory Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie consists of a tartlet shell with chunks of lobster, carrots, onions, and seasonings in a creamy béchamel sauce, topped with buttery bread crumbs.
  • Preparation Instructions
    Best if Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie is baked from frozen on parchment paper. Hotel quality oven - 350 degrees for 8-14 minutes. Electric oven - 400 degrees for 16-22 minutes. Gas oven - 375 degrees for 14-20 minutes. Rotate baking tray 180 degrees halfway through baking process. Cooking times may vary based on oven.

$59.99 / Tray
Pieces Per Tray: 40
Price Per Piece: $1.50
Number of Trays:
By Kim Taliercio on October 8, 2014
Say "bye-bye" to those hum-drum potato puffs you find at your local retailers and really WOW your guests with these gourmet LOBSTER pot pies! Did someone say "Lobster"? Your guests will be hovering around the kitchen to be sure to get seconds of these delicious culinary treasures! At my husband's 40th birthday party, friends and family could not stop talking about how great all the hors d'oeuvres were! By the time we were ready for entrees, guests were full and satisfied! Since food is what people remember most about parties, I will be sure to include the Appetizer Store in "My Favorites" for future soirees! With so many to choose from, even though my neighbors plan to serve them at their upcoming parties, we'll never get bored!

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