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Mascarpone & Bleu Tart

A Mascarpone & Bleu Cheese Tart is a savory handmade tart shell, filled with a unique blend of mascarpone cheese, blue cheese and red onion.
  • Preparation Instructions
    Best if baked from frozen on parchment paper. Hotel quality oven - 350 degrees for 8-14 minutes. Electric oven - 400 degrees for 16-22 minutes . Gas oven - 375 degrees for 14-20 minutes. Rotate baking tray 180 degrees halfway through baking process. Cooking times may vary based on oven.

$52.99 / Tray
Pieces Per Tray: 40
Price Per Piece: $1.32
Number of Trays:
By Lisa Spampinato on October 8, 2014
These were better than the samples even! My client & guests loved them and they heated perfectly, tasted great and held up well throughout the event. LOVED em!
By TRISHA BLOOMER on October 8, 2014
I received my sample package today with no tardiness in it's delivery...so impressed...really hard to express the greatness of this product.....impeccable..texture, taste and ease !!! Thank you Bob for all your customer service and the brillancy of this product !!!

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