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Gorgonzola Meatballs Wrapped in Bacon

Juicy, fresh ground beef with gorgonzola wrapped in bacon then hand threaded onto a skewer.
  • Preparation Instructions
    Best if baked from frozen on parchment paper. Hotel quality oven - 350 degrees for 8-12 minutes. Electric oven - 400 degrees for 8 minutes. Gas oven - 375 degrees for 12-18 minutes. Rotate baking tray 180 degrees halfway through baking process. Cook until internal temperature is 165 degrees. Cooking times may vary based on oven.
Gorgonzola Meatballs Wrapped in Bacon
$76.99 / Tray
Pieces Per Tray: 50
Price Per Piece: $1.54
Number of Trays:
By John Kulik on October 8, 2014
The sirloin and goronzola wrapped in bacon sounded wonderful in the description and I was surprised at how tasty these were. Follow the instructions and bake at the recommended temperatures and time and you can't go wrong. YUMMY!!!
By Tony Angelo on October 8, 2014
Always a favorite; really wonderful blend of flavors that sits will in a chafing dish.

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